Canadian supplier of pneumatic percussion drilling equipment for underground hardrock mines and pneumatic diamond drill coring equipment for mineral exploration.
Manufactures pneumatic lightweight hand held underground mining equipment. Products include roof bolters, twin leg cable bolters and rib drills.
The company helps with industrial glass and process systems needs, providing Pyrex, Borosilicate, tubing and rod, high pressure gauge glass, W.I.N.S., pneumatic conveying, and abrasion resistant glass.
Glass fabrication, cutting, drilling, general machining of glass ceramics, silica and vacuum work, silvering, glass to metal seals, vacuum coating, sandblasting, and glass repairs.
Develop and manufacture a technologically advanced line of pneumatic and hydraulic concrete drilling and doweling equipment . Dealer list available.
Industrial air tools from Desoutter Chicago Pneumatic and Georges Renault. Drills, screwdriver, and wrenches.
Suppliers of air and gas compressors and generators, pneumatic and electric power tools, plus drilling, mining and demolition equipment.
A supplier of new drill rigs for the environmental,geotechnical, waterwell, and geothermal drilling industries.
Designs and manufactures agricultural, environmental, and industrial equipment including horizontal directional drills, pneumatic piercing tools and vacuum systems.
Manufactures wide range of flat glass processing equipment and distributes glazing supplies for automotive and glass industries. Available machinery include bevellers, edgers, washers, cutters, drills, and various production lines.
Makers of glass cutting, drilling and accessory equipment. Includes product illustrations.
New and used drilling equipment.
Designs and manufactures agricultural, environmental, and industrial equipment including horizontal directional drills, pneumatic piercing tools and vacuum systems.
Specializes in diamond drill bits, grinders and ring saws for the stained glass craft.
Rents, sells, and services hydraulic drills, breakers and drilling tools.
Manufacturer, distributor and service provider of drill rigs, rotary drill pipes, adaptors and stabilizers used in the drilling industry.
The Netherlands. Manufactures finishing machines for woven and tufted carpets and similar equipment for food, glass, and textile industries. Site provide examples of product range.
Manufactures wide range of flat glass processing equipment and distributes glazing supplies for automotive and glass industries. Available machinery include bevellers, edgers, washers, cutters, drills, and various production lines.